Pleasant Grove Center Map

Fi​rst Floor

A map of Dallas College Pleasant Grove campus first floor. Map details are below.

Click the image for a larger view of this map.

The map depicts the first floor of the Pleasant Grove Center pointing downward in a 45 degree angle. A collection of individuals rooms numbered 114-122 is on the left side and highlighted in pink. A collection of individual rooms highlighted in gray, labeled 111 and 113 and letters A-O is featured at the top. A collection of individual rooms is numbered 101-109, featured on the right side and highlighted in light blue. A set of stairs is labeled on the left, top and middle side of the center.


Second Floor

A map of Dallas College Pleasant Grove campus second floor. Map details are below.  

Click ​the image for a larger view of this map.

The map depicts the second floor of the Pleasant Grove Ce​nter pointing downward in a 45 degree angle. A collection of individuals rooms numbered 207-210 and 212-222 is featured on the top half and highlighted in pink. A collection of individual rooms numbered 201-206 and 224-226 highlighted in pink is on the lower half. A set of stairs is​ on either side​ of the floor.