Dual Credit Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Dual Credit program at Dallas College offers qualified high school students an opportunity to earn college credit while completing high school requirements.

The program is open to all high school students, including those who attend a traditional high school program or are part of a home school program.​​ After you graduate high school, your credits can transfer to a Texas public college or university.​

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Benefits of Dual Credit​


Multiple Classes Offered 

Dual Credit courses are offered in several subject areas including math, science, English, economics, history, government and a wide variety of technical courses.


Learn From Quality Instructors

Dual Credit courses are taught either at the college or at the high school by college faculty, or qualified high school instructors who meet the same criteria as college faculty.


College-Level Learning

Students should expect the same level of course rigor and expectations that are placed on undergraduate students enrolled in the same course at Dallas College.


Transferring Made Easy

Dual Credit academic courses are transferable to all Texas public colleges and universities and to some private and out-of-state institutions.


Tell Us About Yourself


I'm a New or Current Dual Credit Student/Parent

If you are a new, current or homeschool dual credit student/parent, enter here to find information to help you throughout your college journey.

Enter New & Current Students Site

I'm a Future Dual Credit Student/Parent

If you are interested in becoming a dual credit student, enter here to learn more about the program.​​​

Enter Future Students Site

Dual Credit Partners

If you are a new or current dual credit partner from a school district, charter school or private school including adminis​trators, instructors, facilitators or counselors, enter here for more information about the dual credit journey at Dallas College.

Enter Partners Site


​​​Contact​​ Us

​To find your high school or Dallas College campus contact, visit our Contact Information page.

For questions or more information about Educational Partnerships, please email ​ DualCreditECHSSupport@DallasCollege.edu