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Dana See examines a honeycomb from her backyard beehives.

Story and Photo By James Hartley/The Et Cetera

As thousands of bees buzz around her, Dana See pumps pine needle smoke out of a canister. The bees, sensing the smoke and thinking there is a fire that threatens their hive, don’t pay much attention to their white-suited keeper. As the bees dart around the Garland backyard at the sense of danger, some of them inadvertently run into See, making light thumping sounds against her suit and hood.

The jacket is a thick, white, denim-like fabric with a hood attached, netting covering her face. She wears elbow-high gloves, baggy cargo jeans and rubber boots. Every part of the suit is designed to keep bees off of her as she pumps billows of sweet, pine scented smoke at the base and top of the vertical hive.
See is a part of a growing trend dubbed hobby beekeeping, which she thinks may be one method of saving the drastically decreasing bee population.
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