Quick Explorer Tool

​​​​​​W​hat It Does

Allows users to directly explore credentials, careers, apprenticeships, and interests without uploading personal information, providing the user with a more straightforward (though non-customized) alternative to the Engage My Career Tool.


Career pathways can be explored based on:

  • Credentials

    Explore career pathways and apprenticeships for selected academic and non-academic credentials (including certifications, licenses, and Dallas College apprenticeship programs) that you currently hold or are considering.

  • Career Goals

    Explore career pathways and apprenticeships based on specific career area s you’d like to pursue using a keyword, industry, and job pathway, family, or cluster search capabilities.

  • Interests

    Explore career pathways and apprenticeships based on an individual’s likes and dislikes using an interest profiler based on Holland’s RIASEC Interest Structure.

  • Military Occupational Classification (MOC)

    Explore pathways based solely on a specific military occupation. These include academic and non-academic credential options, cross-rate opportunities, and post-service occupation and career options.


How It Does It

Presents users with targeted search options that allow them to quickly access results based on their academic and non-academic credentials, career goals, interests, and military occupation. Results provide related occupations, academic and non-academic credentials options, as well as apprenticeships.


Why Is This Important

Offers guidance to users who are searching for pathways related to a specific credential, career area (military or civilian), or based upon their general interests.
Provides more general information about different work areas users may not have considered or were aware of.
Allows the user to search for pathways that may not be related to their experience, training, or education and provides guidance on how to pursue them.

MapMyFuture helps users navigate their career and professional goals!
To learn more, visit the Dallas College MapMyFuture website at: dallascollege.mapmyfuture.com