Color Cheatsheet

Primary Color Classes
HEX Apply as Background Apply as Text Apply as Border
cprimary-lt #E9F2FF .bg-cprimary-lt .text-cprimary-lt .border-cprimary-lt
cprimary #003385 .bg-cprimary .text-cprimary .border-cprimary
cprimary-gr #003385, #002561 .bg-cprimary-gr n/a n/a
cprimary-dk #001E49 .bg-cprimary-dk .text-cprimary-dk .border-cprimary-dk
Secondary Color Classes
HEX Apply as Background Apply as Text Apply as Border
csecondary-lt #FFE9E9 .bg-csecondary-lt .text-csecondary-lt .border-csecondary-lt
csecondary #E52626 .bg-csecondary .text-csecondary .border-csecondary
csecondary-gr #E52626, #C11717 .bg-csecondary-gr n/a n/a
csecondary-dk #6D0000 .bg-csecondary-dk .text-csecondary-dk .border-csecondary-dk
Grey Color Classes
HEX Apply as Background Apply as Text Apply as Border
cwhite #FFFFFF .bg-cwhite .text-cwhite .border-cwhite
cgrey-05 #F7F3E8 .bg-cgrey-05 .text-cgrey-05 .border-cgrey-05
cgrey #E5E2D6 .bg-cgrey .text-cgrey .border-cgrey
cgrey-20 #D6D2C4 .bg-cgrey-20 .text-cgrey-20 .border-cgrey-20
cgrey-40 #99968D .bg-cgrey-40 .text-cgrey-40 .border-cgrey-40
cgrey-60 #66645E .bg-cgrey-60 .text-cgrey-60 .border-cgrey-60
cgrey-80 #333333 .bg-cgrey-80 .text-cgrey-80 .border-cgrey-80
cblack #000000 .bg-cblack .text-cblack .border-cblack
Contextual Color Classes
Apply as Background Apply as Text Apply on Alert
success .bg-success .text-success .alert-success
info .bg-info .text-info .alert-info
warning .bg-warning .text-warning .alert-warning
danger .bg-danger .text-danger .alert-danger
Schools Colors
School of... HEX
Business, Hospitality and Global Trade #249E31
Creative Arts, Entertainment and Design #C00D1E
Education #93328E
Engineering, Technology, Mathematics and Science #FF7500
Health Sciences #248ED8
Law and Public Service #1E22AA
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology #95614D