Typography Cheatsheet

Class When to use this Example Notes
.h1 Use to style any text similar to <h1> Dallas College
.h2 Use to style any text similar to <h2> Dallas College
.h3 Use to style any text similar to <h3> Dallas College
.h4 Use to style any text similar to <h4> Dallas College
.h5 Use to style any text similar to <h5> Dallas College
.h6 Use to style any text similar to <h6> Dallas College
.page-header Use when wanting to style a heading with full-width underline Must be applied to any heading element
Class When to use this Example Notes
.mont Use to apply font-family:Mont to any text Dallas College
.lead Use when style introductory text at the beginning of any given page Dallas College Applies font-weight:300 and font-family:1.5em (24px)
.small Use to style any text as a footnote Dallas College Applies font-size:.875em (14px)
.indent Use to indent text without the use of <blockquote> Dallas College Applies padding:1.5rem and margin:1.5rem
Class When to use this Example Notes
.font-light Dallas College Applies font-weight:300 (or light) to Open Sans
.font-semibold Dallas College Applies font-weight:600 (or semibold) to Open Sans
.font-bold Dallas College Applies font-weight:700 (or bold) to Open Sans
Class When to use this Example Notes
.text-left Use to align text to the left Dallas College Applies text-align:left;
.text-right Use to align text to the right Dallas College Applies text-align:right;
.text-center Use to align text to the center Dallas College Applies text-align:center;
.text-justify Use to justify text Dallas College Applies text-align:justify;
.text-nowrap Use to force text to not wrap Dallas College Applies white-space:nowrap;
Class When to use this Example Notes
.text-lowercase Use to transform case to all lowercase Dallas College Applies text-transform:lowercase;
.text-uppercase Use to transform case to all uppercase Dallas College Applies text-transform:uppercase;
.text-capitalize Use to capitalize the first letter of every word Dallas College Applies text-transform:capitalize;