2018-2019 Second Quarter Investment Report

Dallas County Community College District
Second Quarter Investment Report (Including Deposits)
February 28, 2019 Market Value
Investment or Deposit Type
Publicly Traded Equity and Similar Investments
Common Stock (U.S. and foreign stocks held in separately managed accounts or internally managed by institution investment staff; exclude mutual or commingled funds)
Equity/Stock Mutual Funds
Balanced Mutual Funds (where target allocation is > 50% equities)
"Commonfund" Equity Commingled Funds
Other Equity Commingled Funds (if primarily invested in publicly traded equities)
Preferred Stock
Other - list by type
Total Publicly Traded Equity and Similar Investments$0.00
"Other" Investments - Other than Publicly Traded Equity and Debt Investments
Real Estate (include direct ownership & investments in real estate limited partnerships, private REITs, or similar vehicles; include a portfolio of publicly traded REITs if managed as a separate asset allocation category rather than comprising part of a broadly diversified stock portfolio )
Other Real Asset Investments (e.g. investments in infrastructure funds)
Private Equity
Hedge Funds
"Commonfund" Alternative Asset Commingled Funds (Real Estate, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Commodities, etc.)
Other - list by type
Total "Other" Investments - Other than Publicly Traded Equity & Debt Investments$0.00
Publicly Traded Debt & Similar Investments>1 year maturity
U.S. Government Securities ("Treasuries")$31,837,498.00
U.S. Government Agency Securities ("Agencies")$193,452,429.00
Mortgage Pass-Throughs - "Agency"
Mortgage Pass-Throughs - "Private Label"
Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) (other than mortgage-backed securities)
Sovereign Debt (non-U.S.)
Municipal Obligations
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs) - list below by category
Interest Only Strips (IOs)
Principal Only Strips (POs)
Inverse Floaters
Stated Final Maturity longer than 10 years
Other CMOs - "Agency"
Other CMOs - "Private Label"
Corporate Obligations (U.S. or foreign companies) - list below by rating
Highly Rated (AAA/AA or equivalent)
Other Investment Grade (A/BBB or equivalent)
High Yield Bonds (<BBB or equivalent)
Not Rated (NR)
Fixed Income/Bond Mutual Funds (longer term; registered with the SEC)
Balanced Mutual Funds (where target allocation is > 50% bonds or other debt securities)
"Commonfund" Fixed Income/Bond Commingled Funds
Other Fixed Income/Bond Commingled Funds (primarily invested in publicly traded debt securities; not registered with the SEC)
GICs (Guaranteed Investment Contracts)
Other - list by type
Total Publicly Traded Debt & Similar Investments >1 year$225,289,927.00
Short-Term Investments & Deposits
U.S. Government Securities ("Treasuries")
U.S. Government Agency Securities ("Agencies")
Bankers' Acceptances
Commercial Paper - A1/P1 (or equivalent)$39,708,507.00
Other Commercial Paper - lower rated
Repurchase Agreements (Repos)
Money Market Mutual Funds (registered with the SEC)
Short-Term Mutual Funds Other than Money Market Mutual Funds (registered with the SEC)
Public Funds Investment Pool Created to Function as a Money Market Mutual Fund (not registered w/ SEC but "2a7-like")
TexPool (and TexPool Prime)$270,006.38
Other Public Funds Investment Pools Functioning as Money Market Mutual Funds$261,755,607.39
Other Investment Pools - Short-Term (not created to function as a money market mutual fund)
Certificates of Deposit (CD) - Nonnegotiable
Certificates of Deposit (CD) - Negotiable
Bank Deposits$14,519,442.71
Cash Held at State Treasury
Securities Lending Collateral Reinvestments (direct investments or share of pooled collateral)
Other - list by type
Total Short-Term Investments & Deposits$316,253,563.48