General Questions About COVID-19

​​​ What happens when some​one completes a positive report in eConnect?​

When an employee or student completes a report, indicating that they are COVID-19 positive, a member of the Business Continuity Office (BCO) conducts a post-positive interview with the individual. During the interview the individual is asked seve​ral questions, including: When did they test? W​hen were they ​last at a Dallas College location? Did they have any close contacts? If so, whom? Based on the responses, the individual is advised to follow CDC Guidelines as applicable to their situation.

What do I do if I have been exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive?

If you have been a close contact to someone who has te​sted positive for COVID-19 you may be advised to self-quarantine in accordance with CDC guideines. For those fully vaccinated there is no need to quarantine. Close contact is defined as being within six feet of a COVID-19 positive person, for 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period.

Can I move my class online?

Classes are scheduled by the vice provosts/deans/chairs. The BCO will only advise moving a class online when the situation necessitates.

Should I have a COVID-19 test?

You should get tested for COVID-19 if you are experiencing symptoms, have had a known close contact with a COVID-19 person, or suspect that you have COVID-19.

What if I have been exposed to a COVID-19 person outside of Dallas College?

If you have been a close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you should notify your supervisor of the situation, you are advised to follow CDC guidelines as applicable to your individual situation. Close contact is defined as being within six feet of a COVID-19 positive person, for 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period. Each individual will need to take leave (sick or vacation), if the supervisor does not approve or have work that can be completed remotely.

Can I stay home if my child has been exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive?

If your child, or other family member has been a close contact, they will be advised to self-quarantine in accordance with CDC guidelines. If you stay home with your family member you must take leave (sick or vacation). If your supervisor allows you to work from home, during this period, you may do so.

Do I have to use my leave when I stay home?

Employee leave must be used when not working. Employees have sick, vacation and FMLA leave options. Employees may work from home, during a quarantine or isolation period, if their supervisor allows and has work that can be completed remotely.

If an instructor test positive should they inform their class?

No. The class should not be told that an instructor has tested positive. The BCO will notify any individuals that need to be notified. Instructors should notify their dean and/or vice provost so that arrangements can be made for coverage of their class(es).

If a student tests positive for COVID-19, should the class be informed?

No. Instructors should not inform the class of a student that has tested positive. The BCO will notify any individual that need to be contacted. Notifications will be limited to close contacts.