Dallas College Promise

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Dallas College Promise covers the cost of tuition at any of the seven campuses of Dallas College for up to three years or the completion of an associate degree (whichever comes first). Tuition is paid for up to five years or degree completion for students who pursue a bachelor’s at Dallas College.

Promise Scholars will also be matched with a success coach who will serve as a mentor to help students beginning at the end of their senior year through to college completion.


About Dallas College Promise

Seniors in Promise high schools planning to attend one of the seven Dallas College campuses are eligible to become Promise Bound. To qualify, they must complete all Promise deadlines including completing the Promise Path.

Once you complete an associate degree (two-year) at Dallas College, you are eligible to transfer to Dallas College Promise partner four-year universities, with your last-dollar scholarship guaranteed contingent on meeting income and GPA requirements. Or you can stay at Dallas College and pursue a bachelor’s in education (available now) or nursing (coming soon). Some partner four-year universities also have options for you to attend directly after graduating high school. View the full list of Dallas County Promise partner colleges.


Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the program, seniors must attend a Promise high school. Students starting in the Fall 2024 do not have an income requirement. The family income cap of $75,000 has been postponed until Fall 2025.

Start the Path by Feb. 2, 2024:

  • Complete the Promise Pledge by Feb. 2, 2024. You’ll receive a confirmation with your Promise ID. *Completing the Promise Path does not obligate a student to participate in this program.

Apply by May 1, 2024:

Apply by July 1, 2024 Deadline Extended to Aug. 1, 2024:

Enroll by Aug. 1, 2024:

  • Complete Dallas College class registration for the Fall semester.

If you are a currently enrolled Dallas Promise student, please email questions to Dallas Promise.


Help Spread the Good News

For more on the Dallas College Promise, visit DallasCountyPromise.org. Also, be sure to tell your siblings, friends or neighbors who could benefit from this amazing new program!