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A display of student-created sculptures is the latest addition to the Windmill Garden located on the west side of the Brookhaven College campus. The four pieces provide visual enhancements to the serene, natural surroundings of the garden without harming the delicate ecosystem.

The sculptures, Urban Topiary, by Michael Duncan; A Little Off Center, by Joy Kees; Untitled, by Barbara McQuarrie; and Beginning to End, by Jim Tompkins, will be on display through the spring 2019 semester.

The students, from Natalie Macellaio's fall 2018 sculpture class, designed, fabricated and installed each piece. The project was born through a collaboration between Macellaio, Amy Monroy, garden coordinator, and Carrie Schweitzer, director of sustainability, as a way to bring visitors to the garden and use it as a teaching opportunity.

"I really enjoy working with people across campus to collaborate on projects," Macellaio said. "I am interested in finding new ways to create work out of recycled materials or use the environmental materials instead of creating more waste."

Before the project began, students met with Monroy to learn about the garden and the types of animals and insects that would be interacting with the artwork. Additionally, she provided insight as to what the birds and monarch butterflies would do on perches in protected areas.

In designing their pieces, students had to consider weather conditions, species of the surrounding plants, cost of materials and time constraints. Materials had to withstand being out in the elements and not harm the delicate ecosystem that was developing. Students also had to purchase their materials and complete their pieces in only four weeks.

"The students did a really nice job with this project and I think the collaboration worked out well," Macellaio said. "I hope to do more projects like this in the Windmill Garden and throughout the campus."