Archives News


​Feb. 26, 2001

They are the movers and shakers in community colleges — leaders in innovation who promote the growth of community colleges throughout the country, committed to the international community college movement. And they're coming to DCCCD!

The League for Innovation in the Community College will convene the annual meeting of its leadership team in Dallas in late February, and DCCCD will host the event. During their stay, League leaders will get a taste of Texas and a dose of DCCCD hospitality, including showcase presentations about DCCCD innovations and a visit to Brookhaven College.

The League's board of directors and representatives will meet at Le Meridien-Dallas from Feb. 26 through March 1. As a founding member of the League with a long history of service to its member institutions, DCCCD is honored to welcome League board members and representatives to Dallas as they share experiences and develop initiatives at the forefront of community colleges and higher education, in general.

Dr. Bill Wenrich, DCCCD chancellor, is a current member and past chair of the League's board of directors. "We want to welcome our guests from throughout the League who so ably represent the college community movement. Our association with the League for Innovation has benefited not only DCCCD but also the higher education community at large. Our students benefit from this partnership, as well as our faculty, administrators and staff," said Wenrich. Vice Chancellor Bill Tucker serves as DCCCD's League Representative and has been active in this role for many years.

Founded in 1968, the League is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the potential of community colleges. More than 700 institutions in 10 countries are members of the League Alliance, which includes community and technical colleges, four-year colleges and universities, state higher education systems, secondary schools and other organizations committed to the community college movement.

The League's core values are innovation, learning, service, diversity, stewardship, quality, integrity, community, positive attitude and celebration. The group is considered to be the only major international organization specifically committed to strengthening community colleges through innovation and experimentation with institutional transformation. Outside organizations such as the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the College Board, and Change Magazine (among others) have recognized the League's accomplishments with honors and awards.

On behalf of the district's Office of Planning and Development, which is coordinating the 4-day meeting, Bill Tucker extends heartfelt thanks to all DCCCD faculty, students and staff members who generously have helped to create a memorable Dallas experience for prestigious League for Innovation guests.