Archives News


July 14, 2009

Today, President Barack Obama acknowledged the critical role that community colleges play in the economic and educational success of our country when he introduced the American Graduation Initiative during a visit to Macomb Community College in Warren, Mich. The Dallas County Community College District, along with more than 1,100 two-year institutions across the United States, has spent decades preparing students for both traditional and cutting-edge jobs as the economy and the global market have changed.

Many new jobs coming online — and many that already exist — do not require a four-year college degree. However, they do require training and hands-on experience. Community colleges like DCCCD have been and will continue to be the primary source for workforce training and professional certification that enable Americans to fill jobs that move the nation’s economy forward.

We are excited to see that the president and the nation as a whole are embracing the grassroots efforts of community colleges, which provide the tools for training and employment that students can afford as they seek to conquer a difficult job market. DCCCD and other community colleges are affordable, accessible, diverse and adaptable. We change with the times, provide the latest instruction for students who can fill today’s and tomorrow’s jobs, create a well-trained workforce for business and industry, and sustain our communities through economic development.

We look forward to participating in the president’s competitive grants programs, which stress the necessity of collaboration with businesses, other community colleges and high schools — an effort already under way at DCCCD through programs that involve the Texas Workforce Commission, federal stimulus fund grants, the I-35 Green Corridor Collaborative and Tech Prep, to name only a handful of the partnerships we have cultivated. And we will be better able to track the success of our students, improve developmental and adult education, and keep more students in school.

DCCCD and other community colleges urge members of Congress to support legislation that will help two-year institutions teach Americans new skills and knowledge, rebuild the country’s workforce and solidify the nation’s economy as we work on recovery efforts during this period of economic crisis. 

Dr. Wright Lassiter Jr., Chancellor, DCCCD

s note: See the American Association of Community Colleges’ background information about President Obama's community college initiative (PDF - 23KB) for additional details.