Archives News


For immediate release — Oct. 12, 2009

(DALLAS) — From computer laboratories to laptop coffee shops (and employee abodes, too!), the Dallas County Community College District is spreading the word that computer ghosties and gremlins are out! Cybersecurity is in.

Spooky notes by e-mail and friendly notices online are meant to remind students and employees that October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. “It’s not a Hallmark holiday. It doesn’t mean we’re giving gifts, and costumes are optional,” laughs Ed DesPlas, executive vice chancellor of business affairs for DCCCD.

“Seriously, though, we are waging an e-mail campaign aimed at all of our colleges and locations, reminding people to protect their computers and our nation’s cybersecurity infrastructure,” adds DesPlas. “The Internet has become pervasive. We are online from home, school, work and everywhere in between on mobile devices. Even when we are not directly connected (to the Internet), our economy and much of the everyday infrastructure we rely on use the Web.”

Although this month’s theme has been observed nationally for a number of years, DCCCD is paying particular attention to cybersecurity awareness because the district’s chancellor, Dr. Wright Lassiter, has declared October 2009 as DCCCD Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a special proclamation (PDF - 185KB). 

“No more Nightmare on Elm Street or Gremlins in our computers — we want all DCCCD employees and students to learn more about cybersecurity and help us prevent problems all year long,” says DesPlas.

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Press contact: Ann Hatch