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For immediate release — Feb. 10, 2011

(DALLAS) — The clock is ticking and time is flying for high school juniors and seniors who are making plans for college and want to apply for financial aid.
In the middle of school, exams and plans for the future, many are trying to decide where they should apply for college and whether they can afford the cost of tuition and books. They — and their parents — are concerned about applications, financial aid forms and what they should study; the students simply want to know how to navigate the waters of higher education. They are confused, excited and sometimes a little bit frightened to cross the bridge from high school to college.

The Dallas County Community College District and the Dallas Independent School District will eliminate some of those fears and confusion by providing a fact-filled and useful day of information to those students and their parents through the Las Llaves del Exito/Keys to Success program on Saturday, March 5, 2011. The free event, which is geared toward all high school juniors, seniors and parents, will be held from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Cedar Valley College in Lancaster.

The half-day college fair is designed specifically to meet the needs of high school juniors and seniors, and their families. Cedar Valley is located at 3030 N. Dallas Ave. in Lancaster (maps and directions).

Las Llaves is sponsored by DCCCD, the Dallas Independent School District and the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with area colleges, universities and non-profit groups. 

The program includes hands-on workshops that will teach students how to fill out applications for admission to DCCCD and area colleges and universities, as well as paperwork for financial aid and scholarships — including DCCCD’s Rising Star program. Bilingual volunteers will be available to assist participants.

Sessions for students include these topics: FAFSA online for seniors; the TASFA worksheet; admission to DCCCD; climbing the career ladder; exploring college entrance exams; earning college credit in high school; financial aid, scholarships and Rising Star; a panel discussion titled “Man to Man: Making It in Today’s World”; the real world/real life of a college student; and reasons why students might not go to college.

Parents can attend sessions on understanding the higher education system (differences among community colleges, universities and technical programs/institutions); financial aid, scholarships and Rising Star; and the challenge of going to college and succeeding.

Interested seniors will receive assistance with filling out and submitting their college admissions and financial aid forms. Those students should bring the following documents: a copy of their parents’ 2010 income tax return, valid student picture ID, and W-2 forms or any other records of money earned. Students who have all of the essential forms will receive assistance completing the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA).

College representatives, admissions specialists and financial aid advisors will talk to families about the steps they need to take to be considered for admission and financial aid. Breakfast and snacks will be provided.

Las Llaves was started several years ago by a committee of community members who wanted to encourage high school students to graduate and continue their education.

For more information in English, call DCCCD at (214) 378-1771; for details in Spanish, call (214) 378-1713; or visit these websites: or

Las Llaves del Exito: Fast Facts

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Press contact: Ann Hatch