Archives News


For immediate release — April 28, 2011

(DALLAS) — Education and the economy will be the focus of a political forum at El Centro College on Wednesday, May 4, featuring Dallas mayoral candidates Mike Rawlings, David Kunkle and Edward Okpa; Ron Natinsky is not scheduled to participate.

The forum, which is free and open to the general public and to employees and students of the Dallas County Community College District, will be held in the college’s performance hall, located in Building C, 801 Main St., in Dallas. The event is scheduled from 1:30 to 3 p.m., and members of the news media are invited.
The event is sponsored by the El Centro College Student Government Association and the ECC office of student life. Justin Lonon, DCCCD’s vice chancellor for public and governmental affairs, will moderate. Dr. Paul McCarthy, president of El Centro College, will welcome candidates, panelists and audience members.

A three-person panel will present scripted questions to the candidates (two per panelist), and each candidate will have 90 seconds to respond to each question asked by the panel and a 30-second rebuttal or follow-up, if needed. The moderator can ask additional questions that are submitted through Facebook.

The focus of the forum will involve questions related specifically to education — both K-12 and higher education — as well as the economy, including the development of downtown Dallas.

For more information, contact Priscilla Staley, ECC director of marketing, at (214) 860-2038.

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Press contact: Ann Hatch