Dallas College News Update


Dr. Rick W. Smith

Media Contact: Debra Dennis; DDennis@DallasCollege.edu

For immediate release — Feb. 3, 2025

(DALLAS) — Dallas College is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Rick W. Smith as the new president of North Lake Campus, effective today.

 With an extensive background spanning more than 30 years of broad experience across various industries — media, development, health care and education — Smith is uniquely positioned to continue the progress and success of North Lake Campus.

“As the incoming president, my vision is to position North Lake as a dynamic center for academic excellence, workforce readiness and community engagement. Just about every industry needs workers,” Smith said.

In his new role, Smith will be responsible for leading campus culture and local business and community engagement and advancement. Additionally, in concert with our other campus presidents, he will be leading efforts to develop industry partnerships with business leaders and public partners from economic development, workforce development, education and training, and other community organizations as part of Dallas College’s broader sector strategy.

“Throughout his career, Dr. Smith has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to student success, policy development and community engagement,” said Dallas College Chancellor Justin H. Lonon. “Later this spring, we will host a series of campus welcome events where members of the local community will have the opportunity to meet him, hear his vision and engage directly with North Lake’s new president.”

Smith comes to Dallas College from Simmons College of Kentucky, the state’s only private historically Black college (HBCU), where he served as senior vice president of institutional advancement and administrative projects. Dr. Smith oversaw fundraising campaigns at the college, establishing the school’s first foundation to support its sustainability efforts.

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About Dallas College

Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025, Dallas College consists of seven campuses — Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake and Richland — plus a dozen centers located throughout Dallas County. As one of the largest community colleges in the U.S., Dallas College offers online and in-person learning, serving more than 127,000 credit, workforce and continuing education students annually. Students benefit from partnerships with local school districts, four-year universities, industry and community leaders. Dallas College offers associate degrees and career/technical certificate programs in more than 100 areas of study, as well as bachelor’s degrees in education and nursing. As the largest provider of dual credit in Texas, Dallas College serves 30,000 high school students through 63 dual credit programs.