Other Resources
Dallas College CampusWell
CampusWell is an online resource designed to support students in their academic journey by promoting their overall health and wellbeing. Students can access evidence-based articles, videos, practical tips, and other interactive content to help them thrive in the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Explore
Dallas College CampusWell.
Active Minds at Dallas College Brookhaven
Active Minds is a national organization with chapters at educational institutions across the country that aims to change the conversation around mental health Active Minds at Dallas College Brookhaven started in Spring 2025 as a student-led organization aiming to start the conversation about mental health on our campuses so no one has to suffer in silence. For more information, visit the
Active Minds website.
Wellness Ambassadors
Our student wellness ambassadors serve as peer health educators, sharing important health information to promote a healthier campus community. Throughout an 8-week training, our ambassadors participate in a series of educational sessions that enhance their knowledge of health topics and prepare them to lead health initiatives for their peers.
Their training includes tobacco education through the Peers Against Tobacco initiative, where they work towards advocating for a smoke-free campus and educating about the dangers of tobacco use. At the end of their training, the student Wellness Ambassadors will have a peer health educator certification and be able to plan and create their own health events.