Find Captioned Videos on YouTube

  1. ​​​In a web browser, go to YouTube.​
  1. Type your search term(s) into the Search field at the top of the page and then hit Enter. You will see a list of results that match your search terms.
    Screenshot of the YouTube Search Bar
  1. To narrow your results, click Filter. Then click Subtitles/CC to make sure that your results only contain videos that have closed captioning.
    Screenshot showing the filter option and selecting Subtitles/CC from the list
  1. From your list of results, click the video you would like to view. The video player will open and the video will be displayed.
  1. Play the video to review it. Click the CC icon at the bottom of the video player to turn on captions and check that they accurately reflect the audio content.
    Screenshot showing the closed caption button on the YouTube player