Screen Reader Reading Tables



Pause dozen examples of table layouts - Mozilla Firefox.

Good table, heading level three.

Heading level three. Good table.

This table is easier to understand when using a screen reader because the column headers are indicated in the HTML code and the cells are not merged.

Adding the word "week" in column one cells also makes the information flow better when it is read aloud by the screen reader.

Using the word "to" in the chapter assignments instead of a dash and spelling out the month and the due date column also make the table more understandable and read by assistive technologies like a screen reader.

Table with three columns and six rows.

Week, assignment, due date

Week one, reading chapters 1 to 3, January 20th

Week one, post introductions to discussion list, January 20th

Week two, read chapters four to the six, February 1st

Week three, read chapter seven, February 6th

Week three, paper due, February nine

Table end

Heading level three.

Bad table.

This table is more difficult for a blind student to understand because the column headers are not labeled in the HTML code and the merge cells confuse the reading order and the use of a dash and month abbreviations is not very clear.

Table with three columns and six rows.

Week, assignment, due date

One, reading chapters 1-3, Jan 20, post introductions

Two, read chapter 4-6, Feb 1

Three, read chapter 7, Feb 8, paper due, Feb 19

Table end.

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