Experts Guide

D​allas College experts are available to speak to media about a variety of topics.

Our expert profiles contain biographical and media information to help you find the most relevant expert for your needs. Use the search bar to refine your search by name or keyword. You can also filter by major subject areas.

Can’t find the right expert? This is just a sampling of the faculty at Dallas College. We have more than 800 full-time faculty, with varying areas of expertise, as well as a number of academic leaders in workforce development and student services available for comment.

Please reach out to media relations and we will put you in touch with someone to help with your story.

Need to contact an expert?

The best way for members of the media to reach out to an expert is through the Dallas College media relations team email:

Alternatively, you may call Associate Deputy Chief of Communications, Liz Scruggs at: 972-860-5448.

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