Goal 03: Good Health and Well-Being

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

How is Dallas County supporting this goal?

Video Transcript:

Winjie Tang Miao, Texas Health Resources

Winjie Miao: Hi, I'm Winjie Miao with Texas Health Resources. At Texas Health our vision is partnering with you for a lifetime of health and wellbeing. Fifty years ago, quality healthcare was, can I see my doctor and get something taken care of?

Fast forward fifty years and healthcare is much more complex. Not only do you have more venues for care, you also have more channels for getting that care, whether it's through a virtual channel, through telemedicine, and the idea of quality has also changed. So when we think about quality care we think about it as, Is the clinical care excellent? Is it a great experience? And is it affordable to you and accessible to you as a consumer in this community?

We're committed to taking care of the whole person – mind, body and spirit, and that includes their family as well. So we have designed many of our spaces to accommodate both the individual needs of our patients as well as their families, so that our patients and our families and our caregivers all have a place where they can be at their best.

Oftentimes, we find patients that come from our emergency department that don't have any resources or other options for healthcare, so we are able to connect them to community-owned clinics with other non-profits so that nobody falls through the cracks, because as we know, in order to have good health in a community it really does take a village.

It's incredibly important to extend care, and the idea of improving health beyond the walls of the hospital. First of all, a lot of healthcare doesn't happen within the hospital, it happens in other venues. It really meets people where they are, it gives them a level of comfort in terms of being in their space.

There are so many ways to stay healthy and we are privileged to be here to support our community in all those different ways. So whether you've seen us before because you were sick, or you've been to one of our fitness centers, we invite you to continue joining with us to improve your health and well-being.

Learn more about this goal from the UN