Employer Resource Center


Your organization’s success depends on having qualified employees. If you have openings to fill, Dallas College can connect you with hundreds of promising applicants, and many of the services are free!


The Employer Resource Center is a one-stop shop for employers.

  • Liaison between employers and the internal resources and services offered by Dallas College
  • Lead onboarding and optimization processes for career matching platforms such as Handshake
  • Engage with employers interested in exploring Dallas College talent through conversations by industry to identify skills and pathways aligned with our programs
  • Coordinate campus and hybrid career fairs, campus recruitment activities, networking opportunities, and company site visits
  • Connect employers to Dallas College opportunities including federal and state grants, and advisory committees

Why Partner with Dallas College?

  • Over 100,000 students attend Dallas College annually to prepare them for the employment opportunities within our thriving economy.
  • Diverse student body
  • Qualified candidates with relevant, up-to-date skills
  • A broad range of career disciplines
  • Opportunities to partner for curriculum input or to serve on an advisory board

We provide access to a robust career management plat​form, Handshake, where you can post jobs and internships, sign​ up for Dallas College career fairs and promote your company's recruitment events.



Handshake logo 

The No. 1 career site for college students has arrived to Dallas College. Sign up to post jobs, register for career fairs and promote your company's recruiting events.

Career Fairs

In-person and virtual career fairs are held during the Spring and Fall semesters each year. They provide a great way to connect with students actively searching for employment opportunities.


Employers can contact the Employer Resource Center (EmployerResourceCenter@DallasCollege.edu) to learn about more ways to collaborate with Dallas College.


Meet the Employer Resource Team


Chantel Jones Bigby

  • Senior Director, Employer Resource Center

Virginia Arteaga-Haid

  • Director, Employer Engagement
  • Talent Pipeline

Randall Chase

  • Director, Employer Engagement
  • Talent Pipeline

Jessica Padilla

  • Director, Opportunity Pipeline
  • Talent Pipeline

Lynn Knox-Brennan

  • Director, Employer Engagement
  • Sector Partnerships

Waymond Stewart

  • Director, Opportunity Pipeline
  • Sector Partnerships

Moises Ramirez

  • Director, Business Engagement
  • Sector Partnerships

Vicky Esparza

  • Project Lead