Services and Guidelines


Students that meet the requirements for TRIO (SSS) services will receive: 

  • Academic advisement and registration assistance
  • Tutoring
  • Access to computers and printers for completing assignments
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • On-campus and off-campus program related events and activities. 
  • Universities tours
  • Financial aid application assistance
  • And much more!


To qualify for the TRIO (SSS) program a student must be a citizen or a national of the U.S. or to meet the residency requirements for federal​ student financial assistance AND must meet at least one (or a combination) of the following:  

  • Low income (based on federal income standard)
  • First generation (Your parent(s) living with you did not receive a bachelor's degree from a four-year college/university.) 
  • Student with a disability having a need for program services (as regulated by the State of Texas and confirmed by the Special Services Office at Mountain View). 
  • Must have a high school diploma, GED or met financial aid minimum requirements of the Ability to Benefit Test. 
  • Must be enrolled in 12 hours and in good standing.
  • Must have less than 30 transferrable credit hours.
  • Must have a NEED for TRIO services.
  • These TSI scores must be met.   


​345-349 + Stat Diagnostic Score D4 = 8-15


​349-350 + Diagnostic Scores DR = 7-15 or TSI Writing Ready


​Essay of 4 + TSI Reading Ready