Retiree Association History

​​​The formation of the Dallas College Retirees Association began in 1984 through the insight of Dr. R. Jan LeCroy, Dallas College chancellor from 1980-1988.

It was his belief that our retirees, who have made lifelong friendships, should have an organization that would enable them to continue to keep their friendships and their interest in the college current. Dr. LeCroy asked Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development Affairs Bill Tucker to help in the formation of such an organization. Bill and his assistant, Jan Brobst, invited retirees to the first-ever meeting at Eastfield College that Bill chaired.

The First Meeting

At this meeting, it was decided that there was a definite interest in the formation of a retiree association, and that a luncheon would be held inviting all retirees. It was from the discretionary funds of the chancellor and the vice chancellor that this luncheon and early meetings were made possible.

Group shot of retirees back in the 60's

A proposed date for the luncheon was posted, but one of the attendees said it would interfere with finals. Since we academics are people who have programmed our lives by terms — Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II — the statement seemed logical until Bob Shofner asked, “Who cares?” It was Shofner's statement that crystallized the fact that the academic calendar no longer binds retirees.

There were 80 retirees at this time, and on Sept. 13, 1984, 38 retirees met at the Lakewood Country Club for an organizational meeting.

At the luncheon, a nominating committee was named to establish the slate of officers for the association. The committee, Marguerite Camp, Bill Sherman, Rita Nall and Jim Hankerson, chose Charlene King, president; Robert Shofner, vice president; Ted Carley, treasurer; and Rita Nall, secretary.

Leadership is Formed

The first official meeting was held at Eastfield College, Thursday, Feb. 28, 1985, at which Dr. LeCroy installed the elected officers, Robert Shofner, Rita Nall, Ted Carley and Carlene King. The association set membership dues at $5 per year.

Annually, officers are elected (the slate of all officers from 1985 through the present follows this brief history). The association officers meet four times a year: two business meetings and two social meetings.

Our association fund received its initial boost when retiree Ed Stoorza contributed $250 that first year. Our funding was set up through what was then the DCCCD Foundation. Our financial year, at that time, was to run from September to August. Old habits die hard.

Initially, meetings were held on various Dallas College campuses and in the homes of members. We were a small enough organization then. The association had annual picnics and holiday parties, dinners and outings to sporting and theater events. The potluck was the menu of choice when a member had the meeting in his or her home. On some occasions, members would meet at various restaurants; a favorite was Crackers on Oak Lawn, owned by Gus Katsigris, then-head of the Food Services Program at El Centro College.

Later, the association opened a checking account for conducting financial business, and the Dallas College Foundation fund became our scholarship fund.

Over the Years

In 1991, association dues were raised to $10 a year, and the financial year changed from September-August to January-December. In 1997, the name of our newsletter was changed to Ret-Express. In 2005, the by-laws were changed so that officers serve two-year terms rather than a one-year term, and the vice president was given the responsibility of membership chair. Other minor changes were made to bring the by-laws in line with practices.

In 2009, we had accrued enough money to be able to award a $500 scholarship to an exemplary student. We have continued to award such a scholarship each year since then, and the Dallas College Foundation is of great assistance in the administration of this scholarship.

Our retirees have always retained their enthusiasm and willingness to serve. It is through these attributes that we have continued to grow. In 2011, there were over 900 retirees, and 245 were members of the Retiree Association. We have two meetings a year: a spring luncheon at El Centro Campus and a holiday luncheon at Maggiano’s in Northpark Center. There are groups of our retirees who regularly go to the theater, museums and the racetrack.

Bill Tucker Jan Brobst and two other retiree officers back in 1985

Our Gratitude

We owe a debt of thanks to former Vice Chancellor Bill Tucker and his assistant, Jan Brobst. Bill made the initial arrangements for our meetings and guided us into becoming an organization. Jan Brobst became our district liaison; she edited and printed our Dallas College Retirees Newsletter, which was, and still is, our greatest means of communicating to all retirees and members.

We wish to thank all the succeeding chancellors in their willingness to give us the solid support we have needed through the years to remain an active organization.

Human Resources was and has continued to be our primary link to the college, and without their continued support, we would not be able to operate as efficiently as we do. Also, Dorothy Pool and the Dallas College Archives team provided us with much of the information that we have included here.

Looking Toward the Future

We have grown, but our function remains constant. The Dallas College Retirees Association is the continuation of academic life to which we have dedicated ourselves. Unlike so many who retire, we are not left without the basis that has been our lives and the people who helped us live it.

We thank Jan LeCroy and the members who have lovingly and loyally served the association through the years.

Donna Gormly, April 20, 2011

2016-2017 President, Dottie Clark
Vice President, N/A
Secretary, Bettie Plog 
Treasurer, Jimmie Hensley
2015-2016President, Don Baynham
Vice President, Dottie Clark
Secretary, Bettie Plog 
Treasurer, Jimmie Henslee
2013-2015 President, Vivian Dennis-Monzino
Vice President, Diane Martin
Secretary, Anita Landenberger
Treasurer, Jimmie Henslee
2011-2013 President, Vivian Dennis-Monzingo
Vice President, Eva Anderson
Secretary, Anita Landenberger
Treasurer, Frank Lopez
2008-2011 President, Georgia Francis
Vice President, Eva Anderson
Secretary, Shirley Woelfle
Treasurer, Beverly Carpenter
2006–2007*** President, Georgia Francis
Vice President, Mark Kelso
Secretary, Shirley Woelfle
Treasurer, Bill Passmore and Beverly Carpenter****
2005-2006 President, Georgia Francis
Vice President, Millie Davidson
Secretary, Shirley Woelfle
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
2003-2005 President, Carole Hoffman
Vice President, Millie Davidson
Secretary, Shirley Woelfle
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
2001-2003 President, Rosie Steffan and Kay O’Neal**
Vice President, George Clark
Secretary, Shirley Woefle
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
2000-2001 President, Donna Gormly
Vice President, Jerry Francis
Secretary, Georgia Francis
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
1999-2000 President, Donna Gormly
Vice President, Harold Albertson
Secretary, Frank Lopez
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
1998-1999 President, Marilyn Ward
Vice President, Lorene Strickland
Secretary, Frank Lopez
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
1997-1998 President, Marilyn Ward
Vice President, Kay O’Neal and Rosie Steffan
Secretary, Lorene Strickland
Treasurer, Bill Passmore
1996-1997 President, Lois Norman
Vice President, Marshall Alford
Secretary, Marilyn Ward
Treasurer, Charlene Lee
1995-1996 President, Maurice McPeek
Vice President, Floyd Elkins
Secretary,Charlotte Coker
Treasurer, Charlene Lee
1994-1995 President, Dorothy Booth
Vice President, Lu McClellen
Secretary, Lorene Strickland
Treasurer, DeDee Lyde
1993-1994 President, Elizabeth Gerbetz
Vice President, Dick Smith
Secretary, Dana Smith
Treasurer, Gloria Henderson
1992-1993 President, Dick Smith
Vice President, Dana Smith
Secretary, Elaine Day
Treasurer, Avon Chapman
1991-1992 President, Louise Miller
Vice President, Albert Karner
Secretary, Beverly Flusche
Treasurer, Avon Chapman
1989-1991 President, Louise Miller
Vice President, Suzanne Starling
Secretary, Rita Nall
Treasurer, Avon Chapman
1986-1987 President, Marguerite Camp
Vice President, Betty Wehrle
Secretary, Rita Nall
Treasurer, Ted Carley
1987-1989 President, Maurice McPeek
Vice President, Bill Sherman
Secretary, Madeline Meals
Treasurer, Albert Karner
1985*President, Charlene King
Vice President, Robert Shofner
Secretary, Rita Nall
Treasurer, Ted Carley

* Plans for the organization began in 1984; however, officers were not elected until 1985.
** Co-Presidents
*** By-laws were changed in 2005, effective with the election for 2006, to make the terms of officers two years.
**** Bill Passmore died in summer 2007; Beverly Carpenter was appointed treasurer to complete Bill’s term.