FAQ and Update


Yes. You may save your work on the virtual computers and access the files within the virtual environment. You may also save your work on a cloud storage such as OneDrive, which is accessible from an internet connected device. All Dallas College students have access to 1 TB (terabyte) of OneDrive (cloud) storage.

Students are encouraged to visit Multi-Factor Authentication webpage.

Yes. Each virtual desktop has a screen reader (JAWS) and magnifier (ZoomText) application to help students with limited vision. These applications can be found in the desktops, represented by a "desktop computer icon" as shown below.

image of desktop computer icons

Please report any technical issues to the service desk team.

Yes. Students may print to a pay-for-print system using their Dallas College student email and password.


Students now have the option to use their email to add a workspace.

The feed discovery URL is optional. https://rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com/api/arm/feeddiscovery