Set Up eConnect/Self-Service Account


Set Up Your eConnect/Self-Service Account

The steps below will cover setting up an account in eConnect. We'll start with the eConnect Main Menu.

Step 1:

In the address bar of a web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox), enter

Screenshot of the address bar of a web browser with entered. 

Step 2:

From the eConnect Main Menu, click the Credit Students menu option on the button bar or the Current Credit Students Menu link on the eConnect main menu screen.

Screenshot of the eConnect home page with Current Credit Student Menu highlighted. 

Step 3:

Under the My eConnect Account section, click Setup My eConnect Account.

Screenshot of My eConnect Account section of the credit student menu with Setup My eConnect Account highlighted. 

Step 4:

On the Setup My eConnect Account; page, enter your last name in the Last Name field.

Step 5:

Enter your Birth Date as a two-digit month, day, and four-digit for the year.
For example, you would enter January 1, 1960 as 01/01/1960.

Step 6:

Enter your student ID number or your social security number.

Step 7:

Click Submit.

Screenshot of the Setup My eConnect Account page with Last Name, Birth Date, ID Number and Submit highlighted. 

Important Notes:

  • Your last name and birth date must match how they appear in your student record.
  • If you receive an error message, please try again or contact your nearest Admissions/Registrar office.
  • If your name is not found in the eConnect database, enter the appropriate information in the Add Me To the eConnect Registry screen.
  • Once you enter your personal information, the second Account Set Up screen will prompt you to create a password. 
  • Create a password following the requirements listed above the New Password field.

Step 8:

Use a password you can remember, but one that is not easy to guess.

Step 9:

Retype the same password to confirm in the Confirm New Password field.

Screenshot of the Setup My eConnect Account page with New Password and Confirm New Password highlighted. 

Step 10:

The Challenge Question is an additional security feature of eConnect that helps protect your eConnect account. Choose a challenge question.

Step 11:

Type the answer to the challenge question. Be sure the answer is something only you would know, and someone else cannot easily guess.

Step 12:

Type your challenge question answer again in the Confirm Answer field.

Step 13:

Click the Enabled Enhanced Security checkbox to add security.

Step 14:

Click Submit.

Screenshot of Challenge Question. Question, Answer, Confirm Answer, Enable Enhanced Security and Submit fields are highlighted. 

Important Notes:

  • Dallas College requires users to answer challenge questions for accessing specific screens.
  • If you forget your challenge question or password, the system requires you to request a manual reset.
  • For security reasons, Dallas College encourages students to create a strong eConnect password.
  • If you receive an error message, carefully retype your password in the New Password and Confirm New Password fields.

If you can see the Account Setup Complete screen, you have successfully set up your account and can now log in.

Screenshot of the Setup My eConnect Account page with confirmation of account setup highlighted.